My Goliath

by | Jul 26, 2021 | July 2021 | 0 comments

I was cutting the grass and wondering what the Lord had to teach me today. It has been so hot that we had let the grass grow long. It helps it stay green as the water does not evaporate so quickly. This has surely been an unusual year and I am afraid 2020 has just continued on into 2021.We have had smoke-filled days from the many fires around us, during an extreme heat wave, in the middle of a pandemic.

As I cut the grass, I got this stinging feeling on my right foot and calf. Thinking I just brushed against some thorn I looked down to see many small ants trying their best to attack the giant that somehow caused them some grief. David and Goliath, I thought [1 Samuel 17]. Their battle was a big one and they were determined to win. Thinking about what we have all gone through I feel like that ant gnawing away at the giant that has barged into my peaceful world.

We all have battles in this world and many of them seem bigger than we can handle. The Israelites knew that Goliath was larger than anything they had ever battled before. Their courage melted as they watched him come out and challenge them day after day. They hid from him, perhaps hoping that he would give up and go away; they tried to ignore the problem. Yeah, I know I often put things off so I don’t have to face them, so I know where their minds were.

I wondered, am I that little ant trying to kill a giant or am I that giant? Am I walking the fence and trying to be both? If I am trying to slay that giant by myself, then I better be aware of the hand coming down to swipe me away. Even David realized that it would take more than his skills to win the battle [1 Samuel 17:37]; David knew it was God fighting on his side that won his battles.

So, this was God’s message to me this week. I often try to win my battles on my own, but I need God fighting right next to me; in fact, I need to get out of the way so he can work. I have had many obstacles lately, and I have been trying to take them on one at a time. But it is when I realize I have been trying to be that little ant slaying a giant that I remember to invite God in to fight alongside me. Call on the one who can do miracles, and step back and watch him work. May your Goliaths fall at your feet!


Merciful Father, your wisdom and teaching save us in our times of need, you open doors for us to join in with you as you fight by our side. Please help us to do as David did and trust you to fight the battles we face. We will always be victorious when we trust in your providence. We thank you in the name of Jesus! Amen.

This article is published by courtesy of Word of Life (UK)


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