Spiritual practices for Easter Preparation

by | Mar 1, 2024 | February 2024 | 0 comments

The 40 days (plus Sundays) between Ash Wednesday (14/2/24) and Easter Sunday (31/3/24) give us a beautiful opportunity to implement some spiritual practices as we prepare our hearts for renewal.

I’ll admit that even as a Christian and someone who grew up going to church, I’ve often underestimated the profound significance of the cross and resurrection of Christ, and how it defines me and my life forever. If not for his willing death and surrender to the Father’s will, I would still be dead in my sins. If not for his resurrection, I would have no hope of eternal life with God and no hope of experiencing Christ’s resurrection life here and now.

This amazing truth is worth meditating on, even for as long as 40 days between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday. What a beautiful opportunity we have each year to set apart a period of time dedicated to coming honestly before the Lord and preparing our hearts for renewal.

As you observe the Easter Preparation season, here are some spiritual practices to help you grow deeper in your love for and identification with Christ:

  • Slow down – Limit addiction to busyness, workaholism, and hurry; learn to savour the moment and stay present with Jesus.
  • Practice gratitude – At the beginning or end of each day, share with God three things you’re grateful to him for. Share them with your spouse, children, or friends. You may wish to keep a gratitude journal if you prefer to write it down and keep a record to come back to.
  • Celebrate – Listen to, sing, dance, or make music about the cross. Sing and dance with your children or grandchildren. From traditional hymns to recent Christian hits, meditate on the lyrics and the powerful truth they proclaim about Christ and the cross.
  • Read through the accounts of Jesus’ life on earth in the Gospels. May God bless you with renewed passion and transformation as you identify with Christ this Easter Preparation season!


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