Have you ever been called a Johnny one-note? The origin of the name is a 1937 song from the Broadway musical, ‘Babes in Arms.’ It was used to describe a male vocalist who could sing only one note, albeit very well. It evolved to describe someone who could do only one thing, usually well, but also could apply to someone lacking flexibility or imagination.
Brother Lawrence, the 17th century French monk whose writings were published posthumously as the book, The Practice of the Presence of God, could have been called a Johnny one-note. In his fifth letter, he said, ‘Were I a preacher, I would above all other things preach the practice of the presence of God. Were I a director, I would advise all the world to do it, so necessary I think it, and so easy too.’ He made it his top priority to keep God in his thoughts every moment of every day. If he found his thoughts turning to something else, he gently redirected his mind back to God.
If we can be a Johnny one-note in our devotion to God, there’s really no need to play any other notes. Our one note of living in and practising his presence, praying without ceasing and being so totally in love with our Saviour that everything else fades into insignificance, is the best one thing we can do. May we all be a Johnny one-note when it comes to Jesus.