He will lift you up

by | Dec 10, 2024 | November 2024 | 0 comments

…He will command his angels concerning you, to keep you in all your ways; they will lift you up with their hands, so you will not strike your foot against a stone. 

Psalm 91:11-12 (NIV) 

I remember falling backwards over a large cement stone or block in my garden. The pain kept me glued to the ground, and my cries for help did not result in my rescue. I finally managed to get myself up, holding my arm for support, and wandering slowly, fully bruised and bleeding, back into the house. No one noticed me holding my arm, or my scrapes. I wondered if I was invisible. Oh, how I could have used those angels in my garden. After that time, I began to take my troubles on by myself, thinking that I was the best advocate I could have, that is next to Jesus. Now, Jesus is someone I can rely on. I am sure those angels were there, keeping me from more serious harm, and giving me support to make my way back into the house. For that I am eternally grateful. I got over feeling sorry for myself, and I made God my refuge as Psalm 91 mentions. 

I know there have been many times when God intervened in my life, in the small things and in the large. I do not think that we have any comprehension of how much God does for us. I am still learning. He heals our bodies, minds, and souls. He gives us comfort and support, and he rejoices with us as we celebrate his goodness. John 15:5 (NLT) tells us: ‘…For apart from me you can do nothing.’ I trust in God’s goodness and guidance; I am secure in this, and I welcome that strong connection with God. I am glad I need God for all I do. Without that support, I will always be backing into that stone and falling again. A branch removed from the vine, we are told in John 15, just withers and dies, but as it remains, it is fed by the vine and grows strong, producing good fruit. I want to remain in that vine, fed by the Spirit. Jesus is the advocate that we all need. How glorious this is! 

When Jesus was lifted on the cross, we were lifted with him. When Jesus rose from the grave, we rose with him. He is always lifting us up with his hands, with his love. I fell over a cement block in the garden, but God is my rock, my foundation of strength. Psalm 62: 7 (NLT) ‘My victory and honor come from God alone. He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me.’ Psalm 27:5-6 speaks of God lifting us up and setting us upon a rock where the enemy cannot reach us; that rock is Jesus. The enemy of sin and death will not win, for Jesus will lift us up in his hands; taking us into his arms where we will safely dwell with him. 

God of love, thank you for lifting us up when we fell into the depths of sin. Thank you for allowing us to be lifted-up into your glory. Our lives are safe in your hands. We praise you God! In Jesus’s name, Amen. 


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